Project Unbreakable

“Two out of three women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Fifteen out of sixteen rapists will never see a day in jail. Every two minutes, a woman in the United States becomes a victim.”

These are the shocking statistics that you’ll come across if you ever happen to come across the video for ‘Project Unbreakable’, an amazing, amazing project that I recently came across on the Internet. It shows women holding up posters quoting the people who attacked them. This post is a shout out to all these lovely women and also to Grace Brown, who has founded this project and has been running it for the last two years.
This was just one of the most haunting things I’ve ever come across. Ever. And most of the women were quoting their fathers or brothers. It was sickening.
How? I mean, what? How? I cannot comprehend this. Are we even humane anymore?
Ladies, I respect your bravery and courage. You truly are unbreakable. I’m sorry, but I’m just lost for words right now.

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